Articles and opinions

regarding modular construction technology
and production of modular building structures

Should modular homes be cheap?

As we have already dealt with the article "Frames in modular construction", modular houses differ from classical construction only by the method of manufacture, after installation it is an ordinary house or building. Therefore, the cost of modular homes can not be much less than the houses built in the classical way.

So can modular homes be cheap? Yes, of course!

Can modular homes be expensive? Yes, of course!

As in any construction, the cost of modules consists of a number of costs. The cost is formed by frames that differ in cost by 20-30%, insulation, which differ in price by 2-3 times, windows that are cut off at a price of 3-4 times, etc., and if we start comparing finishing materials, there is a very large price difference.

For some reason, the idea that modular homes should be cheap has stuck in our heads. Very cheap modular homes exist, this is a fact, so they are not designed for a comfortable stay all year round. These are small houses that are used as temporary housing, very often it is a metal frame and sandwich panels, such houses cost about $ 450-500 / m2. We must not forget an important thing: in such a house there are no such amenities as bathrooms, kitchen, furniture, etc.

If we start looking at decent modular housing, it will be from 1000-1300$/m2. Why so? Why 1,000? I can build my own for 300-500$/m2!

First, let's look at the prices of developers. Less than 500$/m2 of apartments does not exist, we do not even talk about houses, they are more expensive. For 500$/m2 you will get an apartment at the pit stage, in a year, at best, you get the keys to the desired apartment. But there is one but, the apartment is bare, barefoot, without communications and finishing. And you start doing repairs, it's another 1 year, and it's another 300-500-1000$/m2, it already depends on your capabilities and preferences. So, on average, and under the most optimistic scenario, the apartment will be ready for living from 1.5 years and about 1000 $/m2.

In modular construction everything is the same, but again there is but! You will get a fully finished, decorated modular house in 3 months for the same 1000-1300$/m2.

And now we will answer the questions of a lot of people who can build a house on their own for $ 500 / m2. Is it possible? Yes, it's possible! Such money is enough to build a house. And here it becomes unclear why to order a house, if you can build it yourself 2 times cheaper? And again but! But you will build yourself, with your own hands, can with the help of comrades. You will supply materials to the site yourself, perform quality control, warranty obligations also yourself. But (we really liked this word in this article), it is absolutely normal, a lot of people build their own housing, not everyone can immediately put a large amount on the house, someone even gets aesthetic pleasure from the process.

Let's sum up! 500$/m2 – if we build ourselves – these are materials, a little paid work, transport. 1000$/m2 – if we order from the manufacturer of modular houses, it is 500$/m2, if yourself, plus a little more wages, renting production premises, utilities for industrial premises, renting an office, utilities for an office, salaries of office workers, ITR, advertising and marketing costs (you will somehow learn about manufacturers on the Internet and not only), taxes, and there are not few of them in our country, and at the very end of the profit. And these are only the main items of expenditure of producers.

Looking at the above, it is not very correct to say that I will do it myself 2 times cheaper, if it concerns the official manufacturer. So you can write on the website of some automaker: I will collect your car 3 times cheaper! In fact, in auto production, the cost of components for all cars and labor to assemble it costs about 15-20% of the cost of cars in the cabin.

So, dear lord! There are different technologies, there are different approaches to construction and completely different prices for construction technologies. As they say: to each his own! Note only one thing, for modular construction, the future is fast, and time today has a considerable price.

experience of innovation

10 years of experience in modular construction
Traditional innovation of production

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