Articles and opinions

regarding modular construction technology
and production of modular building structures

Comments and suggestions of LLC "USDM" on the program of housing construction for temporary immigrants

LLC "USDM" has 12 years of experience in construction work. For the last 5 years, LLC "USDM" has been building on modular technology with a record speed and concentration of construction processes in its own production.

The President of Ukraine announced the creation of a program for the construction of housing for temporary immigrants from regions of the country where life has become dangerous or impossible due to russia's criminal aggression.

Please consider and, if possible, take into account our suggestions and comments on this program.

In terms of financial efficiency, preference should be given to 3-5 storey apartment buildings without an elevator. It is these houses that achieve optimal cost and operating costs, create a feasible load on the existing infrastructure.

  1. The area of apartments should be from 40 to 80 m2, per family from 3 to 6 people, preference should be given to full-fledged apartments with a bathroom, kitchen, etc.
  2. For full resettlement, the concept of fully finished housing should be considered, including interior decoration, a complete set of furniture, household appliances, etc., from one supplier.
  3. It is important to take into account the speed of construction of a complex structure "turnkey". In traditional construction, the term of commissioning of a turnkey house with interior decoration, engineering and furniture is from one and a half years. During construction using frame or modular technology, it is possible to complete the construction in 4-6 months.
  4. It is important to take into account the restrictions in the workforce when planning developments. Therefore, it is appropriate to concentrate the production of building structures and structural elements of the building, to make efforts in the production of fully finished elements of buildings. Thus, minimizing work on the sites of buildings that can have a wide geography.
  5. When building in existing cities and towns, you can count on the existing infrastructure – educational institutions, shops, medical and entertainment institutions, as well as water supply, sewerage, electricity. In accordance with the assessment of infrastructure capabilities, it is necessary to limit the capacity and number of apartments of such buildings.
  6. In complex development, it is necessary to take into account the need to lay infrastructure facilities to ensure the vital activity of the complex. To do this, use the first floors of buildings. Taking into account the need for primary resettlement of IDPs, it is possible to gradually free the first floors of buildings for infrastructure in the course of construction of a residential complex at the expense of new buildings in the same complex.
  7. When building, both one-story and multi-storey, it is necessary to take into account the shortage of communications and energy supply. In a short time, it will be impossible to ensure gas supply to new buildings, and it is also necessary to take into account the inability to organize sufficient electricity supply. Thus, it is necessary to provide heating and hot water supply at the expense of energy-saving technologies (heat pumps, solar panels, efficient heat insulating materials, energy-efficient windows, etc.).
  8. It is important to take into account the presence of single men whose family has left Ukraine. It is possible to consider for such men reduced full rooms with a bathroom and a common kitchen.

We express our readiness to continue to make recommendations. We also inform that we are currently developing design solutions for individual elements of such buildings.

experience of innovation

10 years of experience in modular construction
Traditional innovation of production

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