Articles and opinions

regarding modular construction technology
and production of modular building structures

Construction using modular technology is speed

Prefabrication is the preliminary manufacture of building structures in industrial production. Prefabricated structures are delivered to the construction site and used during the construction process. Of course, the prefactory was invented to build faster and more economically.

We produce prefabricated structures of varying degrees of readiness – from frame-panel wooden construction kits to finished modules, and then we prove the construction process at the construction site of the required condition – from installing the building frame and arranging the foundation to arranging the site.

As always, everything new is a well-forgotten old.  Different levels of prefabrication of building structures have been used in construction for centuries. It is worth remembering even the production of reinforced concrete panels and the mass construction of "Khrushchev" on the territory of the Soviet Union. Prefabricated wooden houses are one-story America. So they built a hundred years ago, so they build there and now.

Prefabrication and modular construction technology are primarily speed. The more stages of prefabrication, that is, the greater the level of readiness of the house achieved in production, the faster the construction will be completed.

Speed is a cost saving on the administration of construction. Administration is logistics, ensuring the presence of builders and equipment on the site, ensuring the construction process, constantly solving issues of "live construction". Administration is from 15% to 20% of the construction cost. Therefore, reducing the construction period several times from 18-24 months to 3-8 months, depending on the volume of construction, will reduce administrative costs significantly, and reduce the overall cost of construction by 7-10%.

The choice of the degree of localization of construction in production – whether it is construction kits, or ready-made modules with interior and exterior decoration and engineering – depends on many factors and must be economically and organizationally justified.  These are the logistical accessibility of the site, the possibility and cost of organizing the construction process on the site, the ability to control the quality and control of the process, restrictions on the relief and entrances.  It also depends on what kind of house needs to be built, what is its purpose and architecture.

Each case is individual. Modular construction technology is not always suitable and cost-effective. But a high degree of prefabrication is always savings and the ability to build faster and ultimately cheaper.

experience of innovation

10 years of experience in modular construction
Traditional innovation of production

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