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regarding modular construction technology
and production of modular building structures

Energy-saving technologies have been commissioned to reduce energy costs for heating by more than half

Today it is possible to reduce energy costs for heating by 60% of existing costs. These are the goals set by European states. And this very quickly becomes a reality.

Green energy requires both an increase in the share of renewable energy in generation and a decrease in total energy consumption. The processes of reducing energy consumption began in Europe at the beginning of the millennium and have now accelerated significantly due to rising energy prices and a possible gas shortage in Europe.

In residential construction, to reduce the energy consumption of the house, the priorities are as follows:

  1. Increasing the thermal efficiency of the design of the house. These are heat-efficient walls, windows, roofing. This significantly reduces the heat loss of the house.
  2. Ventilation with recuperation. Thanks to the open windows in winter, a lot of heat is consumed. According to modern construction standards in Europe, a ventilation system with a recovery system with an efficiency of 85% becomes mandatory.
  3. Having your own source of energy. It can be either a solar or a wind power plant.
  4. The presence of automatic control and control of energy consumption in the house.

The introduction of energy-efficient modern technologies in heating and air conditioning is also a crucial direction to reduce the energy consumption of the house. These are heat pumps, both air and geothermal. Surface heating / cooling systems – warm floors and cold ceilings.

Over the past 10 years, energy saving technologies have undergone significant development. First of all, their cost has significantly decreased. Secondly, the effectiveness of a set of energy saving measures has increased. With the current cost of energy and the cost of energy-saving measures, their payback is 6 years compared to 15 years a decade ago.

The use of energy-efficient technologies is rapidly gaining support from EU state bodies. For example, in April, Germany updated the energy saving support program – this is preferential lending to energy-saving funds with compensation of 15% of their cost. This program is called KfW-Effizienzhaus 40 or KfW-Effizienzhaus 40 PLUS and provides for a reduction in the energy consumption of the house to the level of 40% of a regular house or less.

Ukraine has the resources and qualifications that can fulfill this ambitious task of reducing energy costs in the residential sector at least twice. This will automatically ensure the country's energy independence. LLC "USDM" has developed a project of an energy-efficient house that meets the requirements of the German standard KfW-Effizienzhaus 40 PLUS. Unfortunately, unlike Germany, Ukraine is currently unable to provide state financial support for energy-efficient technologies.

But we hope that right now the state authorities and the Government of Ukraine, with the support of international donors, are developing such programs and subsequently they will work and ensure Ukraine's energy independence and the comfort of residents throughout the year.

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10 years of experience in modular construction
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